Branding Options

The Augmentt Portal can be customized and branded in two different ways:

  1. Display a custom logo

  2. Change the icon displayed in the web browser (Favicon)

Look and Feel

The settings for both of these customizations can be found within the Augmentt Portal by clicking on ‘Look and Feel’ at the bottom of the left-hand navigation:

Upload Image

From there, you’ll be brought to a page where you can upload or drag and drop your desired logo / favicon.

Image size restrictions:

max-width: 208px

max-height: 64px

Selecting Images

Select your company logo and favicon to replace the Augmentt branding

Enable Branding

After uploading your company logo and favicon, you can use the toggle switches to enable or disable your custom branding

Branded Portal

Once enabled, the Augmentt dashboard will be displayed with your company images